Common mistakes made by Patients with Arthritis 

 Common mistakes made by Patients with Arthritis 

Inflamatory Arthritis affects about 2 to3% of general population and some common mistakes made by these patients as mentioned below can increase the disease activity and complication rates.

1.Exercise : do not do exercise of joint which has active pain and swelling, exercise not only increase the risk of joint damage but also delays healing of joint which has active arthritis,give rest to affected joint till pain and swelling settles. 

2.Heat pad application is a common mistake made when applied to an inflamed joint it  increases the swelling because warmth is a vasodilator .

3.Application of ice pack dicreases both swelling and pain if applied properly will help in decreasing the symptoms of active arthritis.

3.Skipping the medication is one of the most important mistake resulting in flare of arthritis. The reason is, it takes weeks for the disease modifying drugs like methotrexate to start there effect and once few doses are missed the disease flares up and is one of the most important reason resulting in deformities of joints .

4.Not taking calcium supplements results in osteoporosis the incidence of which is very high in patients with inflammatory arthritis due to high inflammatory load so the regular intake of calcium supplements helps to prevent this crippling complication which can cause fractures with minimal trauma.

Hope this information was helpful in case of any query do comment in comment section. 



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