
Showing posts from July, 2022

Ankylosing spondylitis few helps tips

 Ankylosing spondylitis (SPA) helpful tips. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a form of arthritis that primarily affects the spine. The condition causes fusion of spine and other joints if untreated leads to a painfull life and makes a person one piece to the extent that he may not be able to bend if severe. The disease affects about 1 to 1.5% of  young people  between 20 and 30 years of age. Few tips that may help in easing the life of people with SpA.                                      Bamboo spine of a patient with Ankylosing spondylitis Know about your disease  – Patient  education about the nature of this disease and   need for a lifelong exercise and posture-training program ,about their work  forms one of the most important part of treatment in Ankylosing spondylitis.   It is important to have regular follow-up and management of any other associated disease. Any patients receiving pharmacologic treatment should take  their medications regularly, the need for adhering to regular m

Diet in Arthritis

  Diet is an important part in treatment and prevention of every disease especially the diseases that last life long .A healthy diet in arthritis helps in both decreasing  the inflammation and accelerating the healing process.  The weight is as important in arthritis as the nutrition and medication. The weight bearing joints like knees, ankle and hip are most severely affected in obese patients especially after the age of 40 leading to osteoarthritis and patients who have preexisting inflammatory arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis are worst hit by this disease if they are obese, the reason is simple the normal carrying capacity of knee joints is about 70 kg and with each kg increase in weight after 70kg increases this disease severity proportionally. Here is some advice regarding foods that can help in reducing the inflammation in Rheumatoid arthritis.  FRUITS Fruits are rich in antioxidants that decrease the amount of free radicals in body which play important role in any inflammati

Arthritis and Exercise

1.Arthritis of any nature if acute and painful in simple terms called active arthritis of any joint needs rest until the swelling and pain settles . 2.Acutely inflamed joint which is swollen and painful to touch if stressed by exercise will result in joint damage and delay healing one of the common reasons leading to joint deformity.  3.Resting the inflamed joint and applied ice pack reduces pain ,swelling and accelerates healing  4.A good diet rich in protein calcium and vitamin C are of great help in active arthritis  5.Regular medication proper follow up with Rheumatologist goes long way in preventing joint damage and deformities. 

Common mistakes made by Patients with Arthritis 

  Common mistakes made by Patients with Arthritis  Inflamatory Arthritis affects   about 2 to3% of general population and some common mistakes made by these patients as mentioned below can increase the disease activity and complication rates. 1.Exercise : do not do exercise of joint which has active pain and swelling, exercise not only increase the risk of joint damage but also delays healing of joint which has active arthritis,give rest to affected joint till pain and swelling settles.  2.Heat pad application is a common mistake made when applied to an inflamed joint it  increases the swelling because warmth is a vasodilator . 3.Application of ice pack  dicreases both swelling and pain if applied properly will help in decreasing the symptoms of active arthritis. 3.Skipping the medication is one of the most important mistake resulting in flare of arthritis. The reason is, it takes weeks for the disease modifying drugs like methotrexate to start there effect and once few doses are